I have been writing about the GOF design patterns for quite some time now, and, this would be the last of the series. I will be writing about the Memento pattern today which is  a behavioral pattern. You can read about the other patterns from the following links.

  1. Strategy Pattern
  2. State Pattern
  3. Template Method Pattern
  4. Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  5. Command Pattern
  6. Iterator Pattern
  7. Mediator Pattern
  8. Observer Pattern
  9. Visitor Pattern
  10. Interpreter Pattern

You can read about the Structural patterns here.

You can read about the Creational patterns here.

The Memento

The memento pattern deals with capturing an object’s internal state and saving it externally so that the internal state of that object can be restored later. This pattern is usually used in computer games where the state of the game can be saved, and can be started from the same point. The following example illustrates the use of memento pattern.

The components that make up the memento pattern are the Originator, for which the state has to be saved, the Caretaker which is a class that holds the mementos and the Memento which holds the state of the originator.

namespace PatternsConsole
    class MementoPatter
        // Originator
        class PersonInfo
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public float Salary { get; set; }

            public Memento SetMemento()
                var memento = new Memento();
                return memento.Save(this);


            public void GetMemento(
                Memento memento)
                var info = memento.Restore() as PersonInfo;
                if (info != null)
                    Name = info.Name;
                    Salary = info.Salary;

        // Memento
        class Memento
            readonly MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            readonly BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            public Memento Save(
                object obj)
                return this;

            public object Restore()
                var obj = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
                return obj;

        // CareTaker
        class CareTaker
            public Memento Memento { get; set; }

        private static void Main()
            var personInfo = new PersonInfo
                Name = "Person1", Salary = 5000
            // Store internal state
            var careTaker = new CareTaker
                Memento = personInfo.SetMemento()
                "Saved State : \nName = {0}, Salary = {1}",
            // Change originator
            personInfo.Name = "Person2";
            personInfo.Salary = 10000;
                "Changed Sate : \nName = {0}, Salary = {1}",
            // Restore saved state
                "Restored State : \nName = {0}, Salary = {1}",
                // Output :
                // Saved State :
                // Name = Person1, Salary = 5000
                // Changed Sate :
                // Name = Person2, Salary = 10000
                // Restored State :
                // Name = Person1, Salary = 5000


The memento pattern can be used when we need to save an object’s state and retrieve it later or when we don’t want to expose an objects state directly.