Following on the series of posts on design patterns I will be talking about the Visitor Pattern today. Visitor is behavioral pattern. You can read about the other behavioral patterns from the following links.

  1. Strategy Pattern
  2. State Pattern
  3. Template Method Pattern
  4. Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  5. Command Pattern
  6. Iterator Pattern
  7. Mediator Pattern
  8. Observer Pattern

You can read about the Structural patterns here.

You can read about the Creational patterns here.

The Visitor

Suppose you need to add a new method to a structure of classes, you might end up damaging the design. This is where the visitor pattern comes into play. The visitor pattern deals with performing new operations on all elements of an existing hierarchy of classes without altering the the classes themselves. 

The visitor pattern is mainly made up of 2 components, the classes that make up the hierarchy and the methods that are applied to these classes. These methods are called as visitors. In the following example there is one visitor viz. SalaryVisitor which increments a persons salary.

The following example is based on the example shown in the Dofactory site

namespace PatternsConsole
    class VisitorPattern
        // Visitor
        public abstract class Visitor
            public void ReflectiveVisit(
                Element element)
                var types = new[] {element.GetType()};
                var methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(
                if (methodInfo != null)
                        new object[] {element});
        // Element
        public abstract class Element
            public abstract void Accept(
                Visitor visitor);
        // ConcreteElement
        class Person : Element
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Designation { get; set; }
            public double Salary { get; set; }

            public Person(
                string name,
                string designation,
                double salary)
                Name = name;
                Designation = designation;
                Salary = salary;

            public override void Accept(
                Visitor visitor)
        // ElementType
        class Developer : Person
            public Developer(
                string name,
                double salary) : base(
        // ElementType
        class Tester : Person
            public Tester(
                string name,
                double salary) : base(
        // ConcreteVisitor
        class SalaryVisitor : Visitor
            public void Visit(
                Developer developer)

            public void Visit(
                Tester tester)

            private static void VisitMethod(
                Element element)
                var employee = element as Person;
                if (employee != null)
                    employee.Salary *= 1.50;
                        "{0} {1}'s new income: {2:C}",

        private static void Main()
            // ObjectStructure
            var people = new List<Person>();
            var developer = new Developer(
            var tester = new Tester(
            foreach (var person in people)
                person.Accept(new SalaryVisitor());

            //Output: Developer Foo's new income: $1,500.00
            //        Tester Bar's new income: $2,250.00

The visitor pattern provides number of ways to modify the behavior of a hierarchy of classes without modifying the classes. We can use the visitor pattern when we have a hierarchy that is sealed or when there are many operations to perform on it or when we need the flexibility of defining new operations.

In my next post I will be writing about the Interpreter pattern.