Design Patterns for Dummies. The Chain of Responsibility Pattern
In continuation with the series on design pattern, in which presently I going through Behavioral Patterns, today I will write about the Chain of Responsibility Pattern. You can read about rest of the patterns from the following links
You can read about the Structural patterns here.
You can read about the Creational patterns here.
The Chain of Responsibility pattern deals with a list of Handler objects that limits based on the requests that they can deal with. If one object can not handle a request, then the request is passed to the next object in the chain which means by the end of the chain there can be an expected behavior or an exception.
The following example is based on the example provided in the DoFactory website
namespace PatternsConsole
class ChainOfResponsibilityPattern
// Delegate for withdrawal requests
public delegate void WithdrawHandler<T, E>(
T sender,
E eventArgs);
public class WithdrawArgs : EventArgs
public double Amount { get; set; }
public int AccountNumber { get; set; }
// "Handler"
abstract class Approver
public event WithdrawHandler<Approver, WithdrawArgs> Withdraw;
public Approver Successor { protected get; set; }
// Invoing the event
public virtual void OnWithdraw(
WithdrawArgs e)
if (Withdraw != null)
public void ProcessRequest(
WithDrawal withDrawal)
new WithdrawArgs
AccountNumber = withDrawal.AccountNumber,
Amount = withDrawal.Amount
// "ConcreteHandler"
class Clerk : Approver
public Clerk()
// Hook up delegate to event
Withdraw += ProcessByClerk;
public void ProcessByClerk(
Approver approver,
WithdrawArgs e)
if (e.Amount < 10000)
"{0} approved withdrawal for account : {1}",
else if (Successor != null)
// "ConcreteHandler"
class Officer : Approver
public Officer()
// Hook up delegate to event
Withdraw += ProcessByOfficer;
public void ProcessByOfficer(
Approver approver,
WithdrawArgs e)
if (e.Amount < 100000)
"{0} approved withdrawal for account : {1}",
else if (Successor != null)
// "ConcreteHandler"
class Manager : Approver
public Manager()
// Hook up delegate to event
Withdraw += ProcessByManager;
public void ProcessByManager(
Approver approver,
WithdrawArgs e)
if (e.Amount < 1000000)
"{0} approved withdrawal for account : {1}",
Console.WriteLine("Cannot be approved");
class WithDrawal
public double Amount { get; set; }
public int AccountNumber { get; set; }
static void Main()
// Setup Chain of Responsibility
var clerkAprover = new Clerk();
var officerApprover = new Officer();
var managerApprover = new Manager();
clerkAprover.Successor = officerApprover;
officerApprover.Successor = managerApprover;
var withDrawal = new WithDrawal {AccountNumber = 1234, Amount = 1001};
withDrawal = new WithDrawal {AccountNumber = 2345, Amount = 10000};
withDrawal = new WithDrawal {AccountNumber = 3456, Amount = 100000};
//Output : Clerk approved withdrawal for account : 1234
// Officer approved withdrawal for account : 2345
// Manager approved withdrawal for account : 3456
As seen in the example there are 3 approvers for withdrawal as a chain. The request is passed to the clerk and based on the amount the responsibility is transferred to the successive approver in the chain. We can use the chain of responsibility patter when we have more than one handler for a single request or we have a set of handler that vary dynamically.
In my next post I will be writing about the Command pattern.